Hello February,
Don’t lose Momentum. Get your education on!
This year the Education Committee is proud to announce the yearly return of the Education Scholarship. The committee will reimburse a COMPLETED designation up to $200.00. The application can easily be found on tigar.org, under the Education tab on the upper right corner. This scholarship is available to all TIGAR members, both agents and affiliates. Hurry and apply now as spots are limited.
But wait, while you are working on your newest designation step on over to the Momentum page and apply for those courses as well. Your education is what sets you apart from other agents and sharpens your already incredible skills brought by classes like these. The Education Committee has worked tirelessly to ensure the classes in the Momentum program are relevant and insightful. Truly a benefit for you!
So now hop on over to TIGAR.org and apply for both the 2022 Scholarship and the Momentum Program.
Tania Flores
Education Committee